Jack Chris
Liked videos
Special Edition!
A MUST Watch video on the on going series.....
Digital Discipleship | Short Description
Digital Discipleship | Artificial Intelligence
Digital Discipleship| Content Calendar............
5 Ways of Enhance Your Videography--- Digital Disicpleship
Edit on your phone!
Know the landscape!
Be Specific with Your Purpose
Finding your purpose is key in Digital discipleship!
Prioritize your Mission for Greatness...... DAY II Digital Discipleship
This program is designed to be flexible and accessible for everyone. Here’s how it will work:
Content Delivery:
You will receive lessons through WhatsApp in the form of images, text, or videos.
Follow the instructions provided with each lesson carefully to ensure you grasp the concepts.
There will be simple assignments to help you apply what you learn and verify your progress.
Completing these tasks will give you practical experience in digital evangelism.
Engagement and Feedback:
After watching the videos or reviewing the material, you are expected to provide feedback by commenting.